Thursday, June 24, 2010

Canadians eh?

Hi all!

So its official...I have a blog. My best friend Jodi Boam (National Level Fitness Competitor and soon to be IFBB Fitness Pro!) convinced me that'd itd be a good idea to record some thoughts and share my journey to my first Canadian Nationals.

Little background since I've missed a few weeks now..... I started dieting 16 weeks out and am currently 9 weeks out. I fell off the band wagon after the Arnold Classic in March in a moment of weakness lol!! Weakness included mini eggs and frozen yogurt mmm haha! Doing that is not normal for me and I think I did it because I had a very long, physically draining, but best and most successful year of my life! I felt I only had 2 months of "down time". Result= McRachy. My loving boyfriends nickname for fat Rachel lmao I think its hilarious and its become a permanent nickname.

So my trainer, Mindi O'Brien, has been busting my balls since the beginning of my prep and I love it! My latest check in with her she said I'm on track but not ahead. I love to be ahead so I'm upset to hear that news! My diet got tweaked and actually I enjoy it more and feel more energized for my workouts. A few different things about this prep is that I am doing Plyo once a week which Jodi and I do together. I had never done plyo, ever, until the first week of my prep. We have a blast doing it and she kicks my ass every time hahah Its good motivation. She is monkey woman!

Currently, Jodi and I have just booked our hotel room (thank God because there is almost none left!), got our tanning products ordered, and are working on the suites. I am still totally stumped on colour so I gotta get on now. hahah

That's the update for now, and I'm gunna try and update once a week :)

ps. Check out Junes issue of Oxygen Magazine to see a few candids of me working the Oxygen Mag Booth at the Arnold Classic!

1 comment:

  1. I am soooo happy to see that you are blogging Rach...
    Keep working hard Rach....countdown is on!!
