Friday, July 15, 2011

Shoots & Shows!

Hey everyone! Time has literally flown by and I am 1 week away from my second Canadian Nationals. Yipes! I feel fine in terms of my energy and feel my body is where it should be. I just received my beautiful suit today by Competitive Edge Designs and I can’t wait to wear it. The show is in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan so this will be my first time flying anywhere to compete.

I sort of scared myself by creeping on other competitors or attending shows hahah this always seems to be the same issue with me when getting close to a show. I am not as heavily muscled as most of the girls and the girls that I’ve seen (aka been creeping lmao), so I don’t know how the show will go….. but I’m going in optimistically and with a cloud free mind. Regardless of my outcome I really enjoy the competition itself, my prep, and the challenge. I have my fiancĂ© Dorian coming with me and my best friend IFBB Fitness Pro Jodi Boam to cheer me on so I know I’m going to have a great time! Dorian especially has been such an amazing help and my #1 supporter :) Couldn't do it without him. I am so glad Jodi decided to come! Competing without her around would be....weird. I have a feeling she might sneak that dang video camera of hers and record some stuff lol.

The last 2 days have been very fun, eventful and draining at the same time. I had a video shoot with Oxygen Magazine at RKP Headquarters…. and let me tell you that they were making me work up a sweat lol! I had to perform a series of exercises that will be posted on their website, .

The following day I had a photo shoot with Oxygen Mag again on location at Wynn gym in Mississauga. I’ve never shot “on location” in a gym before so it was fun! At one point I was supposed to be "speed walking" on the treadmill, really moving my arms, and I just couldn't stop laughing because I apparently forgot how to walk... I was stomping on it like a cave man, same hand and foot going down at the same time. Everyone was like wow wow wow whats going on with these pics hahah I guess that's what you call diet brain.
Paul Buceta was the photographer for the day and he always keeps me laughing! Here is a pic I took of him from where I was sitting, climbing all over the gym equipment to get “the perfect shot” LOL! I was worried for him……but luckily, there were no spills. hahah

Well that’s my update for now, don't forget to check out Pur Nutrition Online for amazing deals! 
Also, check out this video with me and Six Star Pro Nutrition if you get a chance!

Wish me luck! :)
Photo Cred: Paul Buceta ( Makeup: Valeria Nova (

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