Friday, September 9, 2011

Four Letter Word....

I am about to wonder into uncharted territory..... something I don't feel is really touched on that often or spoken about candidly. Fasten your seat belts! (Or unfasten your belt buckles Lol!!)

CHEATING! I am going to share some fun facts about myself with you. I love to eat! I know everyone says that, but I really do love to eat. Fact: I have the appetite of 300lb man. hahah Cute right? One of my finest qualities. Haha I really do though. All of my closest friends can easily vouch for that. I have had a hearty appetite since I have been young. I really wish I was one of those people who could take "one bite" or just a "small piece" and be satisfied. Nope. I need the whole thing! I can't have just one. Or I wish I could be one of those people who thinks "pizza is disgusting, chips are nasty (because they are high in fat/salt) and chocolate is too sweet." I have heard friends, competitors and fitness models alike say things like that. Which really is great...for them lol. And it would be even better if I was like that. Truth: I'm not even a little bit like that. I love it ALL! People also say that life throws so many opportunities to cheat, that they don't plan out theirs. That is totally a fair statement, a great motto to live by. Unfortunately, this approach doesn't work for me personally. If I know an opportunity is coming up, I will organize myself according to the event.

Here is how I manage. I pick 1 day week for a cheat meal, which is usually Sundays to relax and eat whatever I feel like. Now, this doesn't mean a complete shmorgesporg gong show from dawn til dusk (though I won't deny that's happened...once or twice. OK thrice hahah). But being serious, I am right on the money with my diet Mon-Sat. No straying away. When Sunday rolls around I usually pick a time like 5pm to "start" the cheat but it is strictly clean eating up until then. My cheat usually includes dinner with friends or family that I don't get to see during the busy week. I will usually go for sushi, or get a hamburger and of course I have desert. Lately I love my Moms home made deserts! She makes this pimped out oat-carrot cake thing and it really is to die for. Also, sometimes we go see a movie after dinner....and yes I get the movie theatre popcorn. Call me gross whatever I don't care. I am a popcorn LOVER!!! With my cheats its whatever I feel like. If I want pizza, I will get pizza. If all I want is a nice cooked steak with potato, then that's what I'll get. It's not always "dirty".

People ask me if I feel bad or guilty afterwards, and the answer is NO! I diet hard and train hard during the week, so I feel like it is deserved, or my reward to myself for being disciplined throughout the week. I think people feel bad for cheating because they do it unplanned, they don't want to but do anyways which results in guilt. You have to EARN your cheat meal! Be disciplined and strict with yourself throughout the week. This way you wont pick at things because you know you will be able to have it in X amount of days. I realize that everyone is different, in terms of age, metabolisms and what have you ,so this approach is what works for ME. I have gone weeks and weeks and weeks without having a cheat meal and let me tell you.....I was not a happy camper. Cranky pants were on very securely 24/7. I highly recommend you find a way that will help keep you on track with your daily goals but wont make you miserable either. I'm not saying my way will work for you, or my way is the only's just what works for ME.

I also want to touch on this subject. Every winter I tend to fall off the wagon a bit, especially in December (my Birthday, Christmas, New Years) and this season I making it my mission to not. Lol! I am used to "dieting" for specific dates like competitions, where as now I am trying to in cooperate more of a lifestyle approach to my nutrition and be in great shape all the time. I know I don't need to be in competition shape year round, but there's no reason I can't maintain a healthy, fit physique. And I will say this as well, if I have a photo shoot or some type event coming up and I feel I want to look a little tighter, I will skip out the cheat meal. Same thing applies if I am not really progressing by the end of the week, I will have to skip the cheat meal and wait another week until I see the results I am wanting. But more often than not, I have a cheat meal every Sunday! Again, they are not always dirty!! You can have a hearty cheat without being ridiculous. But I do think it's ok to be ridiculous once in a while ;) .

So there you have it. A true insight into what my cheats look like and my little "rules" that I apply to them. Cheat meals keep me on track throughout the week and it's a day for me to relax and enjoy myself, and the company I share it with! :)

Is it Sunday yet?!


 McRachy please see other blogs to learn the meaning behind that nickname if you cant put it together by now. Lol.

This app is so mean! But I can't help it... hahah