Last Wednesday, I ventured down to Paul Buceta's studio in Mississauga to do a quick photo shoot. We sat around and chatted for a bit then got down to business. We nailed our first shoot so fast I was actually surprised! We got so many great shots within the first 5 minutes! The theme was a raw 70's type of feel with a collage background. As soon as I layed eyes on the background I fell in love with it. I used to put collages like that all over my books, and I make my cards like that too! (Yes, I love to hand-make cards, crafts and what have you haha). I'm a sucker for anything with a 70's-80's type feel so I loved the theme. Some are a little Especially for me. But I really do love the way they turned out! I wish I could shoot with Paul whenever I felt like it haha And anyone who has had the pleasure of working with him probably feels the same.
After we shot the 2 other looks we had the afternoon to just hang out, go over some of the photos and chat over a sub. I actually had my first sub in a loooong time. Years I think. Yum! I polished off a 12" like it was no ones business. Don't judge me. hahah
I always love going to Paul's studio because every time I leave I always feel amazing and learn something new. Whether it be about modeling, photo shop, photography, anything iphone/mac related lol, or life in general. It's nice to have someone with more experience and knowledge give me direction and advice that helps guide me along the way!
If you'd like to see more from our set, click here --> and for the story behind Paul and I, click here -->