Tuesday, June 7, 2011

.......Self Confidence??

A question and topic a lot of us seem to struggle with. At some point, I think everyone has had some sort of difficulties in this area, including me! I went to a photo shoot recently, and afterwards I was reflecting on the day..... (which was great by the way!) But just thinking back to certain situations and topics that were brought up, I'd like to be more confident and sure of myself. I am someone who gets uncomfortable when there is a lot of attention on me, or a bunch of people are watching me. I just get awkward, sketch-baggy lol and almost embarrassed! There are times when I've thought "oh I look stupid....I'm not doing it right" or "I'm going to DO something stupid" Lol!! And trust me, I know how weird that sounds coming from someone who steps on stage, in a bikini to be picked a part and JUDGED! To me the stage is completely different. On stage you have trained and practiced for that moment to do the exact thing you are doing (poses....and in my case actually walking in heels lol...I'm like a bull in a china shop).
But I'm really glad that I sat down and thought about this. It gave me a refreshing new outlook and state of mind. I think everyone needs more self confidence and self assurance! There is nothing wrong with being proud of yourself and taking pride in something you do or have done. However, arrogance really gets under my skin. Anyone who feels they are BETTER than someone else, putting themselves on pedestals for whatever their "reason" may be. I actually can't stand it. Now here is where we separate self confidence from arrogance.

To me, arrogance is an ugly of a trait as jealousy. Being too into yourself, putting yourself up above others or feeling like you deserve to be treated differently is nauseating. BARF! It is one thing to stand around boasting and praising yourself and the things you've accomplished as opposed to being PROUD of them. Again, to me, self confidence is being comfortable in your own skin, acknowledging your skills/accomplishments and taking pride in them in a positive way. Also accepting imperfections and not being afraid to take some risks....whatever YOUR risk may be. If I look back, each step I took to accomplish what I have so far was either a risk, a challenge, or over-coming a fear. I can honestly say that I didn't see any of my "end results" at the beginning. And I am so glad I tried and conquered them! I have some new ideas and challenges... things I'd like to pursue or put more of my time and energy to. In order for me to do so, I know I need to whip up a brand new batch of self cconfidence with a dash of assurance lol! It's almost impossible to not think, "what if I fail" or "what if I'm not good enough" or "what if I screw up"..... WHAT IF you don't?? WHAT IF you succeed? A great quote I found, "While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior."-Henry C. Link

I'm learning that you can't sit around waiting for all of your ducks to line up in row. You have to be a go-getter! "Too many people over-value what they are not and undervalue what they are" -Malcome Forbes. I dig this quote too. I believe that being surrounded by happy, positive people who genuinely care about you is so important and has a great impact on oneself. I am so lucky to have people in my life to help me believe in myself and achieve things I thought I was never capable of! Now it's time to pick up the old trousers and take that risk! Be PROUD of who you are and what you have accomplished. Be determined to conquer your goals, large or small and try new things. As the saying goes.... it's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

Go get whatever makes your clock tick! I am ;) TICK TOCK!

I'm not usually a "quotey" kind of person lol....but I also liked these ones, they were fitting for me....I hope you enjoy them too!
 “Laugh at yourself, but don't ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don't leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory.” Alan Alda quotes (American actor, b.1936)

"When you're young, you tend to believe what people tell you, and that's dangerous. As you get older, you learn that you're never as good or as bad as they say you are. If you understand this, you win." George Clooney (adapted)

"If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life. With confidence, you have won even before you have started." Marcus Garvey

Photo: Paul Buceta MUA: Valeria Nova Model: Carol Lama